Excellence 2 Workbook
Order one workbook per participant. The values included are:
- Investing
- Understanding People
- Correction
- Patience
- Teamwork
- Self-Esteem
- Excellence (Bonus Value)
If you have completed the Excellence Module 1 RoundTable® Workbook, we are certain you have already experienced new revelation and benefits from intentionally pursuing excellence. But even if you have not experienced the benefits of the first workbook, it is easy to hit the ground running in Module 2 and quickly begin to develop a greater level of excellence. Excellence is a journey rather than a destination. It requires consistent discipline, focus and intentionality. Those who live their professional lives with excellence are deeply valued and thrive. When we display excellence in our personal relationships, our relationships flourish and we experience a greater sense of fulfillment.
Excellence is a capsule RoundTable® value which affects every area of life and encompasses attributes of many other values such as Preparation, Hard Work, Ownership and Resilience. To truly pursue excellence, it is imperative to spend some time exploring and reflecting on what it means and what it takes to be excellent.
The Excellence Workbooks 1 & 2 were designed to take you on an intentional growth journey of transformation. This journey will enable you to increase your capacity, help you to build healthier relationships and lift your leadership lid. Workbook 1 starts with Excellence and Workbook 2 ends with Excellence so you can easily and directly gauge your growth over the 13 week period.
Application is the beginning of transformation. That is why each RoundTable® session ends with a self-evaluation and setting a SMART goal.* A SMART goal is:
Time Bound
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Additional information
Weight | 0.2 lbs |
Dimensions | 8.5 × 0.25 × 11 in |
Language | English, Spanish |
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