Commitment Workbook 1


Order 1 book per participant in your RoundTable®.

This workbook includes the following 10 values:
  • Listening
  • Resolving Conflict
  • Attitude
  • Boundaries
  • Forgiveness
  • Debt
  • Saving
  • Connection
  • Respect
  • Hope

Commitment is defined as “the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.” This is why we have called this book on relationships, A Commitment to Honor and Respect. What greater commitment can we make than to honor and respect those we are in relationship with?

Description of The Commitment Workbook

The Commitment Workbook is our newest book. We collaborated with GPS Specialist Hayley Williams along with her husband Norvel, who have been relationship coaches for over 10 years.  They have this to say about RoundTables®:

“There are many resources out there to help us with our outward actions. But it is difficult to find something that challenges our operating system and how we tend to think and believe about relationships. I did not need motivation to be a good wife to my husband. I needed understanding. Norvel and I have both experienced divorce and when we got together, we made a commitment to honor and respect one another. We knew that in order to do that, we had to break the cycle of our past experiences. Therefore, we realized that if we desired a healthy relationship, we would have to be purposeful and intentional. The RoundTables® on relationships challenge us to change from the inside out. So when we change what we think, our actions and our reactions, can begin to change.”

The Commitment Workbook contains some of the most empowering topics for relationship growth. At GPS, our commitment to you is to continue to facilitate the conversation on values that affect our life at the deepest levels.

Copyright in English and Spanish

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Todos los materiales son propiedad de Global Priority Solutions, LLC. Global Priority Solutions, no se permite ningún tipo de impresión o reproducción de este material sin el debido consentimiento. Esto podría significar una  violación a los derechos de autor. Derechos reservados por Global Priority Solutions, LLC © 2017. Mesa Redonda® (RoundTable) es una Metodología utilizada con permiso de RoundTable Publishing Co. Todos los derechos reservados. Registrado, Oficina de Patentes y Marcas de los Estados Unidos. Los valores de prioridad global (Global Priority) no están aprobados para ser fotocopiados o reproducidos de ninguna forma sin la previa autorización de Global Priority Solutions, LLC.

Additional information

Weight .3 lbs
Dimensions 8.5 × .25 × 11 in

English, Spanish