Dawn has been married to Jeff Yoder for 30+ years and they have four children together age 17 to 28. She spent 14 years as the CEO of a 500+ employee company and is currently the CEO of Global Priority Solutions (GPS), where she also functions as a trainer and curriculum writer. GPS is a program which seeks to transform the culture of an institution by bringing people together through a common language of values in a round table environment where everyone has an equal voice. Dawn is a founding member of the John Maxwell coaching team and has worked closely with Dr. Maxwell to launch Transformation initiatives affecting nearly a million people who are using the RoundTable™ Methodology established by Global Priority. Dawn is an energetic speaker who is passionate about generational communication. She uses her experiences as a business leader and mother of two Millennials and two Gen Z-ers to expose our current generation gaps as well as offer humorous and insightful understanding as to how we can build relationship and leverage the uniqueness of each generation. Dawn has also co-authored the book “Real Women Leading with Proverbs 31 Values.”
For the last 30 years Bernie has traveled to 42 Nations and 5 Continents sharing principles and values. He is one of the Founders of Global Priority Solutions, and has been a pioneer in Values-Based Leadership Training. Bernie has developed many seminars and training materials, some of which are still part of our core competency training. These would include: Mission Success, Max Q, Managing by Values, The Gift, The Millennium Project and The Power of Influence. All of these trainings are based on the book of Proverbs by King Solomon. Many are being used at the University level. Bernie has written numerous books. His book The 7 Pillars of Success is being used in Guatemala where they have trained 250,000 students in the last 21 years. Bernie and his wife Kathy have celebrated 50+ years of marriage. They have four children, 10 grandchildren and one great granddaughter.
Mike Poulin, a gifted speaker and motivator, is a confident, enthusiastic natural promoter. He has traveled extensively in Canada, The United States, Europe, Africa, South and Central America—as well as Mexico— representing Global Priority Solutions. Using a proven methodology to teach universal values and principles, he has served institutions in all areas of society including governments and businesses. He has worked with personal growth seminars and is a professional life coach bringing a passionate, challenging message of inspiration, hope and making life work. Married for 46+ years, he and his wife Jacki reside in Vancouver, Canada. They have five children and seven grandchildren.
Jerry has been a business owner since 1976 and epitomizes the profile of an entrepreneur. He has built and developed many organizations from the ground up. Jerry has had a hand in starting 21 businesses over the last 39 years. He and his wife, also named Jerri, have been married for 47+ years and have three children and eight grandchildren. Their lives are a tremendous testimony of how a family can work together well when they encourage each person to operate in their strength zone and appreciate contributions equally. In his current organizations, many of the key positions are held by immediate family members.
Jerry has spent much of his time the last twenty plus years helping others around the world bring transformation with the implementation of values and principles through La Red/Global Priority Solutions. Since accepting the presidency of La Red, the organization has successfully expanded not only into business environments but also into the government and education arenas.
Several years ago, Jerry decided to get his pilot’s license so he could visit his business locations with ease and now he has the good fortune to be a personal pilot for Dr. John Maxwell. Travelling with Dr. Maxwell has been a source of inspiration and growth. It has afforded the opportunity to collaborate with Maxwell’s organization, Equip, which reaches nearly every country in the world. Most notably is the national project in Guatemala where over 150,000 people in all streams of business, education and government have been directly impacted through the Global Priority RoundTable™ Methodology for transformation through developing a culture of values. Currently, these two organizations have worked together in Paraguay and Costa Rica as well.